Dienstag, 11. März 2008

...when the Spirit has left the building

Aller guten Dinge sind 3. Also noch was musikalisch Eingefärbtes:
I often wonder if religion is the enemy of God. It’s almost like religion is what happens, when the Spirit has left the building.
Sagt Bono, Chef von U2. recht hat er, der Bono. Via: Pro Blog

P.S.: Schluss für heute. Morgen gibt es hier was Salziges.

...then we take Berlin!

Da mir heute sowieso schon so musikalisch zumute ist (bin ja hinter Dylans Hut her...) und weil das Video von der hutklauenwollenden Dame so miserable Qualität hat und weil Leonard Cohen nun endlich in die Hall of Fame aufgenommen wurde und weil es in dem Video so ganz bezaubernde und romantische und gemütsbewegende Bilder gibt und weil ich Leonard Cohen so viele Inspirationen verdanke und weil ich tief drinnen eben doch ein Romantiker bin und weil Berlin sowieso die Stadt an und für sich ist (Manhattan kann einpacken!) und überhaupt...

P.S.: Die Laudation hielt Lou Reed:

Lou Reed took the podium to offer generous commentary on his old pal. "I first met Leonard Cohen at the Chelsea Hotel," Reed said. "We were talking and - I thought it was sweet of him - he said 'You wrote a song called I'll Be Your Mirror and it made me want to keep writing songs'."
Reed when on to mention Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs and Cohen's novel Beautiful Losers, saying "one of them got more attention. I was always surprised by that."
Reed quoted lavishly from the Cohen oeuvre, citing First We Take Manhattan, Hey That's No Way to Say Goodbye, Anthem and Cohen's latest work, Book of Longing. It was, appropriately, a most writerly induction one of Canada's most celebrated poets.
Cohen thanked Reed for reminding him that he'd written "a couple of good lines. I inducted you into my own ghostly hall of fame years ago."
Quelle: Ottawa Citizen

Die Jagd nach dem Hut

Bob Dylan hat einen Hut zu verschenken:
Bob Dylan was taken aback during a concert in Brazil on Thursday night - when a young woman invaded the stage and embraced the veteran star. The singer was performing the encore of his second gig in Sao Paolo when a long-haired female fan dodged security, and ran over to kiss and hug a shocked Dylan.
When the song finished, the amused 66-year-old told the audience, "Thank you, friends. And I'd like to thank that young lady for coming up and joining us on stage. Where did she go? I want to give her my hat. Don't let her get away."
Falls die Dame (hier das qualitativ hundsmiserable Video, der Vorfall beginnt bei 1:24) nicht aufgefunden werden konnte: Ich hätte auch Interesse an dem Hut. Wo kann ich mich melden?